Celebrating ENLIGHT

Deputy President and Registrar of University of Galway, Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh joined Professor Becky Whay, Vice President International, and gathered university staff in the Aula Maxima to formally acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments made across the ENLIGHT Erasmus+ and RISE projects over the last three years.
University of Galway is a member of the ENLIGHT European University which brings together 10 research-intensive universities throughout Europe. ENLIGHT aims to create and integrate our institutions to facilitate the mobility of students and staff and the sharing of resources to build opportunities for collaboration in teaching and learning, and research.

Back Row L-R: Pamela Devins – Head of ENLIGHT at University of Galway, Cameron Keighron – ENLIGHT Student Network, Aengus Parsons – Director of Research, Dr Mairead Greene – Assistant Director CELT. Front Row L-R: Dr Manuela Heinz – Education, Dr Hanna Kaisa Hoppania – Political Science and Sociology, Professor Becky Whay – Vice President International, Dr Enda Howley – Computer Science and Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh - Deputy President and Registrar
Back Row L-R: Pamela Devins – Head of ENLIGHT at University of Galway, Cameron Keighron – ENLIGHT Student Network, Aengus Parsons – Director of Research, Dr Mairead Greene – Assistant Director CELT. Front Row L-R: Dr Manuela Heinz – Education, Dr Hanna Kaisa Hoppania – Political Science and Sociology, Professor Becky Whay – Vice President International, Dr Enda Howley – Computer Science and Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh - Deputy President and Registrar
Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Deputy President and Registrar welcomed the renewed funding for ENLIGHT which highlights the success of the alliance in its initial phase and encouraged colleagues to engage with and avail of upcoming opportunities.

In a panel discussion, colleagues, Aengus Parsons – Director of Research, Dr Hanna Kaisa Hoppania – Political Science and Sociology, Cameron Keighron – ENLIGHT Student Network, Dr Mairead Greene – Assistant Director CELT, Dr Enda Howley – Computer Science and Dr Manuela Heinz – Education shared their experiences of being involved in ENLIGHT Initiatives, and a briefing of opportunities coming in the next phase was delivered, as ENLIGHT has been successfully refunded for 2024 - 2028.

ENLIGHT has introduced new elements as part of its strategic direction, including the launch of bottom-up calls for interdisciplinary thematic networks and starter grants to promote the development of future-proof education. Additionally, the alliance has expanded its focus areas and added ‘culture and creativity’ to the existing areas of health and well-being, digitalization, climate change, energy and circular economy, and equity.
Funding calls in research and education will be launched shortly and the ENLIGHT team will be holding information sessions for anyone interested in applying.

The ENLIGHT alliance includes University of Galway; Comenius University, Bratislava (Slovakia); University of Groningen (Netherlands); University of Bordeaux (France); Gent University (Belgium); University of Tartu (Estonia); University of Gottingen (Germany); University of the Basque Country (Spain); Uppsala University (Sweden); and University of Bern (Switzerland).