Civic and Public Engagement

The mission of the College of Science and Engineering is to deliver outstanding and relevant research and innovation, for the good of our region, Ireland, and the world, and to provide an outstanding educational experience to our students.
We share this with the public, with prospective students and a variety of social partners, in innovative ways, including through outreach, patient-involvement, citizen and participatory science, lifelong learning, community engagement and learning, all the while widening participation, and social, corporate and environmental responsibility.
Young People
With Cell Explorers, and Eco Explorers, Engineers Family Fun Day, Kitchen Chemistry, Maths programmes, Reel Life Science, the Youth Academy and of course the Galway Science and Technology Festival, there's something for everyone!

The College of Science and Engineering at University of Galway is committed to community and the development of lasting relationships for a positive impact on people's lives within society.

SFI Centres
Science Foundations Ireland's Education and Public Engagement programme seeks to promote the awareness and engagement of the Irish public with science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

Service Learning
Service Learning, or community based learning, is an experiental way of learning.
Community and students are mutual beneficiaries.
The goal is authentic partnership.