Research Impact Toolkit
This toolkit provides you with resources and tools to help you plan, capture, communicate and monitor the impact of your research.

We are in the zeitgeist of impact, where the need to articulate the value of our research and evidence societal benefits has never been greater.
Our toolkit will support you to get into an impact mindset: to Plan, Capture, Communicate and Monitor research impact.

Training Opportunities
Join esteemed national and international experts in our Research Impact Seminar Series, where they'll illuminate the latest in impact-related best practices from around the globe. Engage in vibrant discussions and gain insights that shape the landscape of research impact.
Explore our Research Impact Workshops on our SharePoint site for tailored training to empower you with practical skills and strategies.
Embark on an enlightening journey with, Reflections on Research Impact, a comprehensive resource commissioned by University of Galway. Explore nine concise and engaging training videos crafted to demystify the concept of research impact. Elevate your understanding and broaden your perspectives by accessing the entire nine-part video series today.

Here we present a selection of impact case studies that show how University of Galway research has changed the world

ENLIGHT Toolkit for the self-assessment of research impact awareness, literacy and readiness
Is Your University Impact Ready?
The ENLIGHT toolkit for the self-assessment of research impact awareness, literacy and readiness is a self-reflection tool designed for universities who wish to explore at an institutional level their research impact potential. The toolkit guides users through focus areas considered as relevant for universities to be research impact-driven. It is largely inspired by the Institutional Healthcheck Workbook of Dr. David Phipps and Dr. Julie Bayley, but also by other sources such as EARMA Impact Strategy Survey, Vertigo Ventures Impact Landscape Survey and the ACCOMPLISSH Assessment of Institutional Support and Staff Awareness of Research Impact. University of Galway are members of the ENLIGHT research impact team who have developed this toolkit and a repository of international good practices on research impact assessment and measurement.

Please improve this toolkit by sharing tools and other resources you find useful: email Áine Mhic Thaidhg, Research Impact Officer.