Civic and Public Engagement

Science Foundations Ireland's Education and Public Engagement programme seeks to promote awareness and engagement of the Irish public with STEM.
The mission is to catalyse, inspire and guide the best in STEM education and public engagement. This is done by supporting and developing the education and outreach STEM sector in Ireland by investing in developing and extending capacity in this area and also exploring and encouraging novel means of public engagement and communications.
The College of Science and Engineering at University of Galway hosts several SFI Research Centres, each with innovative public engagement programme
We aim to increase interest in STEM among students, teachers and members of the public.
Our centres include researchers with expertise in medical device science and engineering, geosciences, marine and renewable energy science and engineering, data science and informatics, and more.
CÚRAM Education and Public Engagement Programme
CÚRAM’s goal is to improve the lives of people living with illnesses such as Parkinsons Disease, diabetes and heart disease.
The title of CÚRAM’s Education and Public Engagement Programme is "Breaking Barriers" as it aims to engage with under-engaged and under-represented audiences.
The initiative has three residency programmes: teachers in residence, filmmakers in residence and artists in residence, and with each of these residency programmes CÚRAM finds new ways of interacting with audiences.

Galway Science and Technology Festival
The Galway Science and Technology Festival is Ireland's premier event for the promotion of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The first festival took place in 1998 and over the years it has thrilled, inspired, educated and instilled a passion for STEM in all ages. The aim of the Festival is to inspire young people to develop an interest in science and technology, and consider these fields for their future studies and career. The festival engages with people of all ages and encourages them to be curious and interested in the world around us.
Follow the Galway Science and Technology Festival on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Youtube

Girls into Geoscience Ireland
Girls into Geoscience Ireland is an initiative that is now hosted by iCRAG but ran first at University of Galway. It is a one-day, on-campus experience for TY and Leaving Cert students to see what a geoscience degree is like, and to hear from women students and professionals.
Follow Girls into Geoscience Ireland on Facebook

Grounded: Explore your World
Aimed mainly at the TY cohort, the Grounded project provides guides for teachers and students to make maps relevant to them, using QGIS (free software).

Insight Centre for Data Analytics
Our projects include coding and app-making courses in schools and with Coderdojo; "BEO" digital local heritage archiving; Internet Safety/Cyberbullying Awareness workshops for parents, teachers and young people; career talks; IT awareness sessions for older people; coordinating schools' involvement in Galway Science & Technology Festival; and Girls Hack Ireland.
The centre hosts the Computer & Communications museum of Ireland, was the location for the first ever Coderdojo in Galway city and established IT learning facilities in Direct Provision centres across Connacht.

SFI MaREI Research Centre: Education and Outreach
MaREI is the SFI Research Centre for energy, climate and marine research and innovation.
Our education and outreach activities for schools and youth groups include our Ocean Devotion workshops, mentoring, and our involvement in the STEAM Ed programme.