Study Abroad Student Experience
St Edward's University, Austin, Texas

Brian Moloney, Bachelor of Commerce (Global Experience) Student, reflects on his year spent studying abroad at St Edward's University in Austin, Texas, USA.
"Studying at St Edwards contributed to my academic growth in many ways. I was very close to my professors and there were small class sizes, and I loved that. One of my professors even offered me an internship at the beginning of the second semester which was a great opportunity for me that I could not have imagined before I came to Austin.
I did two Psychology classes over the course of the year, and these were interesting and refreshing for me after only doing business subjects back home. I definitely feel they helped my growth as a student and as a person also. In the first semester I even did an acting class, which got me out of my comfort zone, made me more confident and improved my presentation skills. It was really enjoyable and I would definitely recommend it."
"I played soccer for the university club team in the first semester, and I made a lot of friends out of it from all over the world. I had teammates from Colombia, Rwanda, Japan, Honduras, Mexico, and many different states across the US. Looking back, I think I was the only European on the team. It was fantastic though and I am delighted to be able to call them friends.
I was lucky enough to go to a Dallas Cowboys NFL game and a UT college football game. Both were amazing but for atmosphere alone I preferred college football. There's nothing like it anywhere else in the world, it was fantastic."
"I would definitely recommend visiting other places in America. For Spring Break, my friends and I drove to San Diego in California, which took around 20 hours, stopping in Phoenix along the way. In the car on the way to San Diego we had two from the US, one from France, one from Chile and myself. Wherever I looked I was accompanied by the United Nations!
I got to visit New York a couple of times in between travelling from Ireland to Austin and that was unreal to say the least. I went to Miami and that was a great experience also. I would particularly recommend going to Little Havana, and Miami beach of course.
A friend from UL and I got cheap flights with spirit to Cancun, Mexico on a Friday and flew there on the Sunday and I must admit in terms of impulse decisions I do not think I have made many better. The three days I spent there were unbelievable, particularly getting to drive a golf cart around La Isla De Mujeres, going to a nightclub called Coco Bongo and visiting one of the seven wonders of the world Chichen Itza. Cancun relative to the rest of Mexico is safe so I would highly recommend it.
In the second semester, I did a 10-hour drive with my friends to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, and that was just incredible. The atmosphere around the city was electric and I don’t think there is an experience like it anywhere else in the world. Mardi Gras was a bucket list thing for me and I will definitely be going back whenever I can. I did a lot of amazing things during my year in the US, but Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and visiting Cancun were the stand outs.
I travelled around Arizona with my parents last May, at the end of my year of study, and the landscapes were out of this world. I would say Sedona might just be the most beautiful place on the planet. That’s without even mentioning the awe inspiring Grand Canyon."

Recommendations for Future Global Experience Students
"My biggest recommendation would be to just take risks, in terms of travel, experiences, classes, everything! Getting out of my comfort zone was what made my time so amazing. Funnily enough, I am also now doing long distance with a French woman I met while I was in Texas. I am even going back to Austin to visit soon, which I think proves better than anything just how much I loved my experience!
Looking back I am so grateful for all I got to do and all the people I met. Some days when I am in the library, writing one of my final year projects, I think of some memories from my year abroad, of the places I visited, and it just makes me so excited for the future. It also makes me a little jealous of the students who are heading off on their study abroad this year. If you are thinking about choosing St Edwards, and the city of Austin for your own study abroad experience, just do it! You will be glad you did."